Baroque Concerti from The Netherlands

Composer Anton Wilhelm Solnitz, Conrad Friedrich Hurlebusch, Johann Christian Schickhardt, Johannes Albertus Groneman, Pieter Hellendaal, Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer, Willem de Fesch
Artist Combattimento Consort Amsterdam
Jan Willem de Vriend conductor
Musica Ad Rhenem
Jed Wentz traverso
Format 4 CD
Cat. number 95809
EAN code 5028421958095
Release April 2021

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About this release

The 18th-century Dutch Republic served as a magnet attracting musicians across Europe. It was one of the wealthiest of European countries. Celebrities such as Handel and Mozart may have passed through only briefly, but others such as Locatelli made a permanent home in the republic and introduced many foreign musical languages to local composers.
Hence, in this unique collection, we find a remarkable diversity of style, from Wassenaer's post-Corellian concerti grossi to the more galant music of Albertus Groneman. Meanwhile Willem de Fesch and Pieter Hellendaal moved to England and never returned to their homeland. Hellendaal’s ‘grand concertos’ are likewise Italian in style, though cast in a ripieno idiom whereas de Fesch’s concertos draw on his expertise as a solo violinist, rooted as much in the heritage of Vivaldi as Corelli. Most of the concertos on CD4 were composed by foreign arrivals: itinerant musicians such as the German-born Johann Christian Schickhardt and Anton Wilhelm Solnitz of Bohemian origins.
The performances here, made in the 1990s and early 2000s and originally issued on the Dutch NM Classics label, enjoy a lively but not doctrinaire appreciation of historically informed style. Although the Combattimento Consort uses modern instruments, they play them implementing the techniques that van Wassenaer and Ricciotti would have known. The sound the players generate is therefore old and new, and should offend neither camp in the current round of period-instrument wars. Musica ad Rhenum, familiar from their considerable Brilliant Classics catalogue, play on instruments of the era or copies thereof. They are renowned among the most stylish of Dutch early-music groups.
‘The interpretations brim with verve and lucidity… de Vriend and his compatriots execute these works with excellent definition, a fine sense of shape and balance, and musical intelligence.’ Fanfare, January 2002 (Wassenaer)

The 18th century Republic of the Seven United Provinces of the Netherlands served as a magnet attracting musicians from throughout Europe. It was one of the wealthiest of European countries, the fortunes amassed in the previous century - the Golden Age - could now safely be spent, and culture was an obvious choice. Many composers from abroad either visited the Netherlands or settled there permanently, such as Antonio Locatelli. It comes as no surprise that composers, both Dutch and foreign, were influenced by the great instrumental tradition brought by the Italians, and the Concerto form flourished, both as Concerto Grosso and Solo Concerto.
This set presents a wealth of concertos by Dutch or Dutch-based composers: Pieter Hellendaal, Graaf Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer (whose Concerti Armonici were formerly attributed to Pergolesi!), Johann Schickhardt, Anton Solnitz, Willem de Fesch, Albertus Groneman and Conrad Hurlebusch: music of high quality, written in the best Italian traditions of Corelli, Locatelli and Geminiani.
Excellent performances in Historically Informed Performance style by Dutch groups Combattimento Consort conducted by Jan Willem de Vriend and Musica Ad Rhenum, conducted by Jed Wentz, who is also a traverso soloist.
A collection compiled from the rich back catalogue of NM Classics, the label for Dutch music.

Track list

Disk 1

  1. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso I in G Minor, Op. 3: I. Ouverture-Grave
  2. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso I in G Minor, Op. 3: II. Allegro
  3. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso I in G Minor, Op. 3: III. Largo
  4. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso I in G Minor, Op. 3: IV. Presto
  5. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso I in G Minor, Op. 3: V. Menuet
  6. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso II in D Minor, Op. 3: I. Ouverture-Largo
  7. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso II in D Minor, Op. 3: II. Allegro
  8. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso II in D Minor, Op. 3: III. Affettuoso
  9. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso II in D Minor, Op. 3: IV. Presto
  10. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso II in D Minor, Op. 3: V. Borea
  11. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso III in F Major, Op. 3: I. Largo
  12. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso III in F Major, Op. 3: II. Allegro
  13. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso III in F Major, Op. 3: III. Adagio
  14. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso III in F Major, Op. 3: IV. Alla breve
  15. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso III in F Major, Op. 3: V. March
  16. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso IV in E-Flat Major, Op. 3: I. Grave sostenuto
  17. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso IV in E-Flat Major, Op. 3: II. Alle breve
  18. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso IV in E-Flat Major, Op. 3: III. Affettuoso
  19. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso IV in E-Flat Major, Op. 3: IV. Presto
  20. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso IV in E-Flat Major, Op. 3: V. Pastorale
  21. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso V in D Major, Op. 3: I. Largo
  22. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso V in D Major, Op. 3: II. Allegro
  23. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso V in D Major, Op. 3: III. Larghetto
  24. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso V in D Major, Op. 3: IV. Allegro
  25. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso V in D Major, Op. 3: V. March
  26. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso VI in F Major, Op. 3: I. Largo
  27. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso VI in F Major, Op. 3: II. Allegro
  28. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso VI in F Major, Op. 3: III. Adagio
  29. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso VI in F Major, Op. 3: IV. Allegro
  30. Pieter Hellendaal: Concerto grosso VI in F Major, Op. 3: V. Menuet

Disk 2

  1. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto I in G Major: I. Grave-Allegro
  2. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto I in G Major: II. Grave. Stacato
  3. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto I in G Major: III. Allegro
  4. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto II in B-Flat Major: I. Lagro andante
  5. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto II in B-Flat Major: II. Da capella. Presto
  6. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto II in B-Flat Major: III. Largo affettuoso
  7. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto II in B-Flat Major: IV. Allegro moderato staccato
  8. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto III in A Major: I. Grave-Da capella. Canone di Palestrina-Adagio
  9. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto II in B-Flat Major: II. Largo andante
  10. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto II in B-Flat Major: III. Vivace
  11. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto IV in G Major: I. Largo
  12. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto IV in G Major: II. Da capella. Non presto
  13. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto IV in G Major: III. Largo affettuoso
  14. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto IV in G Major: IV. Allegro
  15. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto V in F Minor: I. Adagio-Largo
  16. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto V in F Minor: II. Da capella
  17. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto V in F Minor: III. Con sordini
  18. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto V in F Minor: IV. A tempo giusto
  19. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto VI in E-Flat Major: I. Affettuoso
  20. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto VI in E-Flat Major: II. Presto
  21. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer: Concerto VI in E-Flat Major: III. Vivace

Disk 3

  1. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 4 in D Major: I. Allegro
  2. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 4 in D Major: II. Largo e cantabile
  3. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 4 in D Major: III. Vivace
  4. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 5 in C Minor: I. Allegro
  5. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 5 in C Minor: II. Largo
  6. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 5 in C Minor: III. Vivace
  7. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 3 in G Major: I. Adagio-Allegro
  8. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 3 in G Major: II. Largo
  9. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 3 in G Major: III. Vivace
  10. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 2 in G Minor: I. Adagio
  11. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 2 in G Minor: II. Allegro, ma non troppo
  12. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 2 in G Minor: III. Grave
  13. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 2 in G Minor: IV. Arioso
  14. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 2 in G Minor: V. Tempo di gavotte
  15. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 6 in E Major: I. Largetto, presto, largetto, presto-largo-allegro
  16. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 6 in E Major: II. Adagio
  17. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 6 in E Major: III. Vivace
  18. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 1 in D Major: I. Largo
  19. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 1 in D Major: II. Vivace
  20. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 1 in D Major: III. Largo
  21. Willem de Fesch: Concerto 1 in D Major: IV. Giga

Disk 4

  1. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Minor: I. Allegro
  2. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Minor: II. Adagio
  3. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Minor: III. Un poco allegro
  4. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Minor: IV. Vivace
  5. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Minor: V. Allegro
  6. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Minor: VI. Finale allegro
  7. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Sinfonia No. 4 in A Major, Op. 3: I. Allegro spirituoso
  8. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Sinfonia No. 4 in A Major, Op. 3: II. Adagio
  9. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Sinfonia No. 4 in A Major, Op. 3: III. Presto
  10. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Major: I. Allegro
  11. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Major: II. Andante
  12. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Major: III. Allegro
  13. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 10: I. Allegro
  14. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 10: II. Largo
  15. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 10: III. Presto
  16. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Major: I. Andante
  17. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Major: II. Adagio
  18. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in G Major: III. Allegro
  19. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in A Minor: I. Allegro-adagio-alla breve
  20. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in A Minor: II. Adagio
  21. Johann Christian Schickhardt: Concerto in A Minor: III. Allegro